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Lebiasinidae 1987 Carnegiella strigata 15x10.5 cm aquarium fish USSR postcard
The colorful world of the aquarium. Characidae.
Condition: almost like new
Photo: S. Kochetova. Moscow, publishing house "Planeta".
Text on the back
12. MARBLED HATCHETFISH (Carnegiella strigata)
SILVER HATCHETFISH (Gasteropelecus sternicla)
Family Hatchetfishes (Gasteropelecidae)
ARNOLD'S SPLASHING TETRA — (Copella arnoldi)
STOL'S PYRRHULINA — (Copella stoli)
Family Pencil Fishes and Pyrrhulins — (Lebiasinidae)
1. Inhabit the waters of Brazil, Guiana, Peru, Surinam, etc. Three genera of the family Hatchetfishes have a unique ability to glide over water. Unusual body shape with large keel is supplemented by strong pectoral fins. Marbled Hatchetfishes grow to 4 cm, and Silver Hatchetfishes—to 6.5 cm. Marbled Hatchetfishes have been known to breed in soft peat water. Spawning is stimulated by feeding with small insects. Incubation period about 30 hours at 28 to 30C.
2. Inhabit the Amazon, La Plata, and Rio Parana basins. Body elongated, no adipose fin. Males bigger, more slender, brighter coloured. Size up to 8 cm. Live food. Care as for all Characoids, Spawning in pairs. Average fecundity 150 eggs. Substratum: leaves of water plants, and for Arnold’s Splashing Tetra—leaves hanging above the water surface. The spawning pair of the latter jumps out of water and sticks up to 10 eggs to the leaf each time. Close genus, Pyrrhulina.
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